This year marks the second running of the Grand Prix de NorFLA.
The GPdNF is a unique two-person time trial ride that traverses some of the loveliest roads very close to Gainesville, Florida.
Pair up with a friend to ride the proposed course as fast or slow as possible (course released the day before the event), take photos along the way if so inclined! Team composition can be same-gender, mixed-gender, anything goes. Both riders must finish together, no dropping your best friend
Beers and food post ride at Blue Highway a Pizzeria, conveniently located at Tioga Town Center.
Meet at 9:00am, roll at 9:15am as a group to the starting point of the ride. Teams will be sent off in one minute intervals.
ROUTE: Posted the day before the event. Will likely be 25 miles in length.
Cyclocross or Mountain bikes are recommended for this ride. The road surfaces are NOT road bike friendly, please leave your road bike at home. Aerobars are not allowed.
See the Facebook event page for more rules and information.